1. Policy No.   SA-1475.1C

Policy No.   SA-1475.1C


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   EFFECTIVE DATE:   December 16, 1997*

       *Title Changes (9/2/04)

      CANCELLATION:   DCI 1475.1B (2/2/90)

  OFFICE:   Student Affairs (SA)













Local ordinances, policies of the College's governing boards, and the provisions of this memorandum are strictly observed when serving alcoholic beverages at student functions that are sponsored by the College or an organization officially sanctioned by Delgado Community College.


The use of alcoholic beverages at student functions is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Chancellor of the College or his/her designee. Alcoholic beverages served on campus at student functions are to be provided ONLY by the College. The College reserves the right to refuse serving alcoholic beverages to any patron who does not furnish proof of age, whose behavior is disorderly, or who appears intoxicated. The responsibilities and procedures for serving alcoholic beverages at student functions are outlined in this memorandum.





1.   Purpose


To establish the policies and procedures for serving and/or consuming alcoholic beverages at student functions.



2.   Scope and Applicability


This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all persons attending or responsible for student functions, on and off campus, where alcoholic beverages are served.



3.   Definition


"Alcoholic Beverages," as used in this memorandum, are defined as beer, wine, or liquor.



4.   Background


According to recent statistics, over eighty percent (80%) of college students in this country drink alcoholic beverages. Most of these students are moderate drinkers, but there are a substantial number of students who misuse alcohol. This misuse can adversely affect student's academic performance, health, personal relationships, and safety. A reduction of alcohol-related problems cannot be achieved solely through rules and regulations, but they are an important deterrent.


The College does not hold a license to sell alcoholic beverages; therefore, alcoholic beverages are not sold at functions held at any Delgado Community College facility. Consumption of alcoholic beverages will be controlled by the use of drink tickets per participant, or a similar device, or by the distribution of drinks at any off-campus function. Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be provided at all functions where alcoholic beverages are served.



5.   Guidelines for Serving Alcoholic Beverages


The conduct of Delgado Community College employees and students at official College functions, whether on or off campus, reflects upon the entire institution. Consequently, it is important that everyone conduct herself/himself in a manner that projects a positive image of the College. The following guidelines have been established to prevent or minimize the misuse of alcoholic beverages at Delgado Community College student functions.


A.  Only Food Service personnel and/or persons authorized by the Chief Student Affairs Officer are allowed to serve alcoholic beverages at student functions.


B.  College advisors, student workers, and sponsoring staff members may NOT consume alcoholic beverages during a student function in excess of the number of drink tickets given to a student.


C.  A beginning and ending time must be established for all student functions if alcoholic beverages are to be served.


D.  NO PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 21 is to be served alcoholic beverages. ID's are required at the door where drink tickets are to be issued.


E  No more than four (4) tickets for alcoholic beverages are to be issued to each eligible participant; these are to be issued when entering the function.


F.  Alcoholic beverages are to be served AND consumed ONLY in designated areas.


G.  Food and non-alcoholic beverages are to be available at all functions where alcoholic beverages are consumed.



6.   Responsibilities and Procedures


A.  The Chancellor of the College must give signature approval on the Request for Permission to Serve Alcohol, Form 1475/001, (Attachment A) at least two weeks in advance of each student function where alcoholic beverages are to be served and/or consumed.


B.  The Campus Provost, or his/her designee, approves all purchase requisitions by campus organizations for alcoholic beverages.


C.  The Campus Provost, or his/her designee, ensures that an adequate number of faculty/staff advisors and Police Officers are present at all functions where alcoholic beverages are served and/or consumed. The names of these chaperons are to be stated on the Request for Permission to Serve Alcohol.


D.  Advisors:


(1)  Prohibit the serving of alcoholic beverages to any participant who appears intoxicated or is creating a disturbance; and


(2)  Provide any attendees with assistance as needed.



7.   Cancellation


This policy and procedures memorandum cancels DCI 1475.1B, Alcoholic Beverages at Student Functions, dated February 22, 1990.





Raymond J. Garrity

Interim President



Policy Reference:

Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226)

Criminal Code of Louisiana

Rules of the Board of Trustees for State Colleges and Universities

Student Judicial Code, Policy and Procedures Memorandum SA-1448.1

Drug-Free College, Policy and Procedures Memorandum PR-2530.1A



Review Process:

Special Needs and Health Services Committee 4/7/97

Student Government Council 10/17/97

Student Affairs Council 10/22/97

College Legal Counsel 12/2/97

Executive Council 12/16/97




Regular Faculty (HRS Codes 01 - 04)

Regular Academic Support Staff (HRS Code 05)

Limited Appointment Faculty (HRS Code 06)

Adjunct Faculty (HRS Code 07)

12-Month Unclassified Administrators/Staff (HRS Code 08)

Classified Staff (HRS Code 09)

Grant Employees (HRS Code 11)


Student Government Association Presidents



Attachment A-  Request for Permission to Serve Alcohol

(Form 1475/001)

Attachment A





Date of Function:        Hours: (from)         (to) 

Type of Function:  




Location of Function:


Advisor/College Official(s) to be Present:


Number of Police Officers Required:


Type(s) of Alcohol to be Served:


College Administrator/Student Organization Advisor Responsible for Enforcing College Policy and Procedures for Serving Alcohol during the Function:


__________________________________    __________________________________

Signature            Date





Signature Approvals:


______________________________________    ___________________________

Campus Provost            Date


______________________________________    ____________________________

Chancellor              Date

Form 1475/001 (9/04)



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