Policy No. AA-1442.1B
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2003
CANCELLATION: DCI 1442.1A (1/20/86)
OFFICE: Academic Affairs (AA)
Delgado Community College is committed to meeting the educational needs of its students and every attempt is made to provide the course offerings that are published in the semester Class Schedule. However, some circumstances require the course to be cancelled (e.g., when minimum enrollment requirements are not met). Because the students enrolled in the cancelled class section are affected, the specific procedures outlined in this memorandum are used for assisting affected students.
1. Purpose
To publish the procedure for assigning students to another section of a cancelled class and for changing student records when classes are cancelled.
2. Scope and Applicability
This policy applies to all campuses and sites of Delgado Community College.
3. Procedures
A. Classes should be cancelled before the end of regular registration if it is feasible to combine sections or reassign students to other available sections of that course at that site.
B. If a section of a class is cancelled and if another section of the course is offered at that location, the student can be reassigned to the other section. In some cases, this will necessitate exceeding the class size limit.
C. Reassigning students from cancelled classes should be done by academic advisors in the student's major or the associate dean of the division in which the course is housed. If transferring the student to a filled section, an override form must be completed and signed by the associate dean of the division. The “SEC†screen in the Student Information System (SIS) can be used to transfer multiple students from one section to another. This should be done only by the associate dean in the division housing that course.
4. Responsibilities
The Associate Dean of the division in which a class section is cancelled is responsible for:
A. Posting a sign outside of the intended classroom of the cancelled class.
B. Ensuring that a faculty member or counselor meets with the cancelled class and notifies the students what they must do to get an alternate section of the class or a different course.
C. Canceling the class on screen 129 of the Student Information System (SIS) using the “X†code in the “St†(status) field. (Cancelled classes must be coded with an “X†(cancelled) rather than a “C†(closed) to allow the room to be available for other sections of courses.)
D. Telephoning students who were not present in the class to inform them of the cancellation and placing them in an available section as soon as possible.
E. Removing the signs from outside the classrooms after the semester’s 14th day of class (7th day for the summer session).
5. Cancellation
This policy and procedures memorandum cancels DCI 1442-1A, Students in Cancelled Classes, dated January 20, 1986.
J. Terence Kelly
Attachment A – Notice of Cancelled Class (Form 1442/001)
Review Process:
Academic Affairs Council 6/26/03
Executive Council 7/1/03
Electronic Distribution Via Intranet and Email Systems
Attachment A
Notice of Cancelled Class
The following course and section has been cancelled due to low enrollment. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Course, Section, and Title:
Meeting Days and Times:
Building and Room:
Please go to the registration arena to get into an available section or a different course.
This notice pertains only to the course and section listed above, not any other class meeting in this room.
Form 1442/001 (7/03)