Policy No.
    June 21, 2005*
    (*Delgado Helpdesk Addition 6/1/10)
    Information Technology (IT)
    Delgado Community College complies with the State of Louisiana Office of Statewide
    Technology Policy #IT-POL-003,
    Data Sanitization (Transfer and Disposal of Personal Computer
    and the software licensing agreements under which software is obtained.
    In accordance with these regulations, the College determines and uses an appropriate method
    to sanitize magnetic storage devices, optical storage media and non-volatile memory devices that are
    surplused, transferred to another government entity, or subject to destruction. These methods
    include overwriting all addressable data locations on the device and/or mechanically magnetizing
    (e.g., degaussing) the device.
    The specific procedures for sanitizing and disposing of data storage devices are outlined in
    detail in this memorandum.
    Procedures & Specific Information
    To establish policy and procedures regarding the sanitization of programs and data
    contained in magnetic storage devices, optical storage media and non-volatile memory
    entity, or subject to destruction.
    Scope and Applicability
    This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all operational units of Delgado
    Community College and covers all computers and other data storage devices transferred to
    another government entity, surplused, or subject to destruction.

    IT-1822.3 June 21, 2005*
    (*Delgado Helpdesk Addition 6/1/10)
    As used in this memorandum:
    Property Manager
    is the Delgado employee designated by the Chancellor as the
    Agency Property Manager.
    is a mechanical device used to completely erase data on magnetic tape
    and hard drives by exposing the media to strong magnetic fields. The device is
    classified as either a Type I or a Type II depending on the strength of the magnetic
    fields and its ability to process different types of magnetic media.
    Guidelines and Procedures
    Standard Sanitization of Operable Computers
    Generally, operable computers will be sanitized by the Office of Information
    Technology by the execution of a program that overwrites all data and programs on
    the hard drive. In these cases, the following applies:
    1) The department relocating the computer or data device submits a Delgado
    Helpdesk Work Order for Computer Sanitization (Select:
    Create a New Work
    Order, Category- Information Technology, Sub-category- Sanitization
    2) The Office of Information Technology accepts the request and executes the
    sanitizing program in the area that is relocating the computer or data storage
    device. If the computer is inoperable, Information Technology staff attaches a
    decal indicating that the hard drive should be destroyed. (See procedures for
    relocating inoperable data storage devices outlined in Section 4C, “
    Storage Devices Deemed Inoperable.
    3) The sanitizing program must conform to U.S. Department of Defense
    Clearing and Sanitization Standard as per DoD 5220.22-M
    and must be the
    last program initiated before the computer is disconnected.
    4) The Office of Information Technology certifies that the device(s) has been
    properly sanitized by completing the Delgado Helpdesk Work Order for
    Computer Sanitization that was submitted by the department relocating the
    equipment, and attaches a decal to the equipment indicating that the hard
    drive has been sanitized.

    June 21, 2005* IT-1822.3
    (*Delgado Helpdesk Addition 6/1/10)
    5) The department relocating the computer or data storage device must submit a
    Request for Relocating Furniture/Equipment, Form 1352/002 to the Property
    Control Office.
    6) The Property Manager authorizes Property Control staff to internally relocate/
    transfer, surplus, transfer to another government entity, or destroy the device
    in accordance with State Property Guidelines.
    Sanitization of Operable Computers Located in OIT-Designated
    Computer Labs
    Operable computers located in computer labs designated by the Office of Information
    Technology (OIT) for on-site sanitization are sanitized by authorized lab technicians
    in the following manner:
    1) The Computer Lab Manager submits a Delgado Helpdesk Work Order for
    Computer Sanitization.
    2) The authorized lab technician initiates the sanitizing program in the
    designated lab. If a computer is inoperable, the technician attaches a decal
    indicating that the hard drive should be destroyed. (See procedures for
    relocating inoperable data storage devices outlined in Section 4C, “
    Storage Devices Deemed Inoperable
    3) The sanitizing program must conform to U.S. Department of Defense
    Clearing and Sanitization Standard as per DoD 5220.22-M
    and must be the
    last program initiated before the computer is disconnected.
    4) Once the sanitizing operation is completed, the authorized lab technician
    attaches a decal indicating that the hard drive has been sanitized.
    5) The Computer Lab Manager certifies that the hard drive has been sanitized by
    completing the Delgado Helpdesk Work Order indicating the sanitization
    process is completed. A Request for Relocating Furniture/Equipment, Form
    1352/002 must then be completed and sent to the Property Control Office.
    6) The Property Manager authorizes Property Control staff to internally
    relocate/transfer, surplus, transfer to another government entity, or destroy the
    device in accordance with State Property Guidelines.

    IT-1822.3 June 21, 2005*
    (*Delgado Helpdesk Addition 6/1/10)
    Data Storage Devices Deemed Inoperable
    The overwrite method is not appropriate in those cases in which the data storage
    device is inoperable. In these cases, the hard drive must be removed and processed
    with a degausser, which will completely remove the data.
    1) In accordance with the procedures outlined in Sections 4A(2) and 4B(2), if a
    computer is deemed inoperable, OIT staff or the authorized lab technician, as
    appropriate, attaches a decal indicating that the hard drive should be
    2) Upon receipt of a Request for Relocating Furniture/Equipment, Form
    1352/002, from the department relocating the equipment
    verification of
    the required decal indicating the hard drive should be destroyed, the Property
    Manager authorizes Property Control Office staff to remove the hard drive
    from the data storage device and exposes the drive to the degausser in an
    appropriate manner.
    3) Property Control Office staff replaces the hard drive back into the data storage
    device and reseals the case. Where the degausser has been used to erase the
    data, a label should be placed on the surplus device notifying that the “HARD
    4) In accordance with State Property Guidelines, the Property Manager
    authorizes Property Control staff to destroy the device in accordance with
    State Property Guidelines.
    Louisiana Office of Statewide Technology Data Sanitization Policy (IT-POL-003)
    U.S. Department of Defense Clearing and Sanitization Standard as per DoD 5220.22-M
    Review Process:
    Information Systems Council 5/5/05
    Business and Administrative Affairs Council 5/24/05
    College Council 6/21/05
    Electronic Distribution Via Intranet and Email Systems
    Request for Relocating Furniture/Equipment, Form 1352/002

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