For more information, see
    Delgado’s Emergency Planning, Response and Recovery Policy
    Building administrator initiates evacuation procedures.
    Evacuation routes may be specified according to the type of emergency. They may
    need to be changed for safety reasons.
    Bombs: Building administrator notifies staff of evacuation route dictated by
    known or suspected location of a device.
    Fire: Follow primary routes unless blocked by smoke or fire. Know the
    alternate route.
    Chemical spill: Total avoidance of hazardous materials is necessary as fumes
    can overcome people in seconds. Plan route accordingly.
    Teachers take class rosters.
    Do not lock classroom doors when leaving.
    When outside the building, account for all students. Immediately inform building
    administrator of any missing student(s).
    Building administrator determines whether students and staff should be evacuated to
    a relocation center.
    Building administrator or college emergency response team designee notifies
    relocation center.
    If necessary, a college emergency response team designee coordinates
    transportation to relocation center.
    Teachers stay with cl
    udents and staff should be evacuated to
    a relocation center.
    Building administrator or college emergency response team designee notifies
    relocation center.
    If necessary, a college emergency response team designee coordinates
    transportation to relocation center.
    Teachers stay with class en route to the relocation center and take attendance upon
    arriving at the center.
    Document students who are picked up from a relocation center.
    Notify chancellor’s office and college Office Public Affairs and Information of
    relocation center address.
    List primary and secondary student relocation centers. The primary site is usually located
    close to the college. The secondary site is usually located farther away. Include maps and
    written directions to centers for staff reference.
    Primary Relocation Center:
    Secondary Relocation Center:
    _______________________________ __________________________________
    Address: Address:
    _______________________________ __________________________________
    Phone:_________________________ Phone:_________________________
    Approved 12/10/08

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