Policy No.
    November 25, 2002
    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Safety (SF)*
    *Initially Distributed as AD-1373.6
    Delgado Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy work
    environment for our entire staff. In pursuit of this endeavor, the following Exposure Control
    Plan (ECP) has been developed in accordance with the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens
    Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030. The purpose of this ECP includes elimination or minimization
    of employee occupational exposure to blood or certain other body fluids, compliance with
    the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030, and the protection of
    Delgado Community College's students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
    This memorandum, also described as the College’s Exposure Control Program
    (ECP) is a key document to assist the College in implementing and ensuring compliance
    with the standard, thereby protecting College employees.
    the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030, and the protection of
    Delgado Community College's students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
    This memorandum, also described as the College’s Exposure Control Program
    (ECP) is a key document to assist the College in implementing and ensuring compliance
    with the standard, thereby protecting College employees.
    To establish procedures for dealing with potential exposure to blood borne pathogens
    at Delgado Community College.
    Scope and Applicability
    This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all College operating units and to
    all employees, students and visitors of Delgado Community College.

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Program Administration
    The Health Services EMT-Paramedic is responsible for the implementation of the
    Exposure Control Plan (ECP). This individual will maintain, review and update the ECP at
    least annually and whenever necessary to recommend new or modified tasks and procedures.
    Those employees who have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially
    infectious materials (OPIM) must comply with the procedures and work practices outlined in
    this memorandum.
    The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will maintain and provide all necessary
    personal protective equipment (PPE), engineering controls (i.e., sharps containers), labels,
    and red bags as required by the standard. He/she will also ensure that adequate supplies of
    the aforementioned equipment are available in the appropriate sizes.
    The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic in conjunction with the Human
    Resources Department will be responsible for ensuring that all medical actions required are
    performed and that appropriate employee health records are maintained.
    The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will be responsible for training,
    documentation of training, and making the written ECP available to employees.
    The Maintenance Department will be responsible for the proper disposal of all
    medical waste produced by actions occurring on any campus in the pursuit of the proper
    application of the Bloodborne Pathogen Program.
    Employee Exposure Determination
    The U.S. Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to
    perform an exposure determination concerning which employees may incur occupational
    exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. The exposure determination is
    made without regard to the use of personal protective equipment (i.e., employees are
    considered to be exposed even if they wear personal protective equipment).
    The exposure determination of
    Ongoing Exposure Risk
    includes all job
    classifications in which employees will incur such occupational exposure, regardless of
    frequency. At the College the following job classifications are in this category:

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    College Health Services EMT-Paramedic
    College personnel assisting with administering vaccinations
    Nursing/Allied Heath Faculty with exposure to clinical settings
    Any College personnel assisting with providing health services, clerical and
    administrative staff working with the above mentioned classifications
    Implementation of Methods of Exposure Control
    This plan includes a schedule and method of implementation for the various
    requirements of the standard. It is the College's policy to comply with this
    requirement. Employees covered by the bloodborne pathogen standard receive an
    explanation of this ECP during their initial training session. It will also be reviewed in their
    annual refresher training. All employees have an opportunity to review this plan at any time
    during their work shift by contacting the custodian of the Delgado Community College Loss
    Prevention Manual in their departmental office. If requested, the College Health Services
    EMT-Paramedic will provide an employee with a copy of the ECP.
    Compliance Strategies
    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Universal Precautions
    : will be observed at
    the College in order to prevent contact with blood or other potentially infectious
    materials. All blood or other potentially infectious material will be considered
    infectious regardless of the perceived status of the source individual.
    Engineering and Work Practice Controls:
    will be utilized to eliminate or minimize
    exposure to employees at the College. Where occupational exposure remains after
    the institution of these controls, personal protective equipment shall also be utilized.
    At the College the following engineering controls will be utilized:
    Hand-Washing Facilities
    Hand washing facilities are available to the employees who incur exposure to
    blood or other potentially infectious materials.
    OSHA requires that these facilities be readily accessible after incurring
    exposure. In College lavatories employees should not have to open doors or
    use stairs to access washing facilities in order to avoid further surface

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Supervisors shall ensure that after the removal of personal protective gloves,
    employees shall wash hands and any other potentially contaminated skin area
    immediately or as soon as feasible with soap and water.
    Supervisors shall ensure that if employees incur exposure to their skin or
    mucous membranes, then those areas shall be washed or flushed with water as
    soon as feasible following contact.
    Sharps, Contaminated Needles & Glassware
    Contaminated needles and other contaminated sharps will not be bent,
    recapped, removed, sheared or purposely broken. OSHA allows an exception
    to this if the procedure would require that the contaminated needle be
    recapped or removed and no alternative is feasible and the action is required
    by the medical procedure. If such action is required, then the recapping or
    removal of the needle must be done by the use of a mechanical device or a
    one-handed technique.
    Disposal of Sharps, Contaminated Needles & Glassware
    All sharps must be placed in a labeled, biohazard sharps container. All
    needles are to be placed in a labeled biohazard needles/sharps container.
    Contaminated sharps shall be discarded immediately or as soon as feasible in
    containers that are closable, puncture resistant, leak proof on sides and bottom
    and labeled or color coded. Delgado Community College will provide leak-
    proof containers for contaminated sharps capable of resisting punctures and
    labeled as a biohazard. These containers are to be used for gathering and
    storage of all contaminated sharps, including glassware.
    During use, containers for contaminated sharps shall be easily
    accessible to personnel and located as close as is feasible to the
    immediate area where sharps are used or can be reasonably anticipated
    to be found (i.e., Exam rooms, Laboratory, Nursing triage area,
    Training room).
    Employees are to use unwinders to separate needles from syringes and
    vacutainers and are to be trained regarding proper removal of needles.
    The containers shall be maintained upright throughout use, replaced
    routinely and not be allowed to overfill. They are to be checked every
    time there is a pickup of infectious waste and changed when they are
    nearly full.

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    When moving containers of contaminated sharps from the area of use,
    the containers shall be closed immediately prior to removal or
    replacement to prevent spillage or protrusion of contents during
    handling, storage, transport, or shipping.
    The container shall be placed in a secondary container if leakage of
    the primary container is possible. The second container shall be
    closeable, constructed to contain all contents and prevent leakage
    during handling, storage and transport, or shipping. The second
    container shall be labeled or color-coded to identify its contents.
    Other Regulated Waste
    Delgado Community College will provide containers sufficient to contain
    regulated wastes capable of resisting punctures and labeled as a biohazard
    (as appropriate). Regulated Waste includes the following:
    Liquid or semi-liquid blood or other potentially infectious material.
    Items contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious material
    that would release these substances in a liquid or semi liquid if
    Items that are caked with blood or other potentially infectious material
    and are capable of releasing these substances during handling.
    Pathologic and microbiological waste containing blood or other
    potentially infectious material.
    Other regulated waste shall be placed in containers, which are closeable,
    constructed to contain all contents and prevent leakage of fluids during
    handling, storage, transportation or shipping. The waste must be labeled
    or color-coded and closed prior to removal to prevent spillage or protrusion of
    contents during handling, storage, transport, or shipping. Disposal of all
    regulated waste shall be in accordance with applicable Federal, State and
    Local regulations.
    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    PPE must be used to prevent blood or Other
    Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIMs) from passing through to, or contacting the
    employee’s work or street clothes, undergarments, skin, eyes, mouth, or other mucus
    membranes, unless engineering controls and work practices have eliminated
    occupational exposure. An employee may temporarily decline to wear PPE only
    when, in a life-threatening situation, the use of protective equipment will prevent the
    delivery of health care and public safety services or pose an increased hazard to
    workers. Incidents during which an employee elects not to wear protective

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    equipment are to be documented in order to determine whether changes can be
    instituted to prevent occurrences in the future.
    Delgado Community College assumes the financial responsibility for purchasing PPE
    that protects its employees against contact with blood or OPIM as can be reasonably
    anticipated encountering in its setting. If laboratory coats and uniforms are to be
    used as PPE, they will be laundered through Contract hire on a as needed basis, and
    are not to be taken home for cleaning. The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic
    will provide the PPE required by bloodborne first responder teams, in order to protect
    them in the execution of their duties.
    All PPE must be removed prior to leaving the work area, removed as soon as possible
    following penetration by blood or OPIM and placed in a designated area or container
    for storage, washing, decontamination or disposal.
    Housekeeping Practices
    Regulated Waste
    Regulated waste is to be placed in containers, which are closable, constructed
    to contain all contents and prevent leakage, appropriately labeled and color
    coded, and closed prior to removal, to prevent spillage or protrusion of
    contents during handling.
    Work Surfaces
    Work surfaces are to be decontaminated with a detergent or 10% bleach
    solution after completion of procedures, immediately upon contamination by
    any spill of blood or OPIM and at the end of each work shift.
    Protective Coverings
    Non-absorbent, protective coverings, are to be used to cover equipment and
    surfaces when they have become overtly contaminated and at the end of a
    work shift if they have become contaminated.
    Reusable Receptacles
    Reusable receptacles like bins, garbage receptacles, and pails will be
    decontaminated weekly. When contamination is visible, receptacles should
    be decontaminated immediately.

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Broken Glassware
    Broken glassware, which may be contaminated, must not be picked up
    directly with the hands. Tools used in cleanup of broken glass are to be
    decontaminated and broken glass discarded in a sharps container. Do not use
    vacuum cleaner for cleanup of contaminated glass.
    Laundry contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials
    will be handled as little as possible. Such laundry will be placed in
    appropriately marked "A biohazard", labeled, or color-coded red bags at the
    location where it was used. Such laundry will not be sorted or rinsed in the
    area of use.
    Labeling Procedures of Blood or OPIM
    Labels to be used to warn employees who may have contact with containers, of the
    potential hazard posed by their contents. Labels are to be attached to container of
    regulated waste, to refrigerators containing blood and OPIM, and to other containers
    used to store, transport, or ship blood or OPIM. The warning label must be
    fluorescent orange or orange red, containing the biohazard symbol and the word
    “biohazard” in a contrasting color and be attached to prevent loss or unintentional
    removal of the label.
    General Practices
    Food and Drinks are not to be kept
    in refrigerators, freezers, shelves,
    cabinets, or on countertops where blood or OPIMs are present.
    Applying cosmetics or contact lenses is prohibited in areas where blood or
    OPIMs are present.
    All procedures involving blood or OPIMs must be performed in such a
    manner as to minimize splashing, spraying, splattering and generation of
    droplets of these substances.
    Hepatitis B Vaccine
    The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will provide training to employees on
    Hepatitis B vaccinations, addressing the safety, benefits, efficacy, methods of
    administration, and availability. The Hepatitis B vaccination series is available at no
    cost after training and within (ten) 10 days of initial assignment to employees
    identified in the exposure determination section of this plan.

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Vaccination is encouraged
    Documentation exists that the employee has previously received the series.
    Antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune.
    Medical evaluation shows that vaccination is contraindicated.
    However, if an employee chooses to decline vaccination, the employee must sign a
    declination form. This declination form will be kept with the employee’s medical file
    in the College Health Services EMT-Paramedic’s office. Employees who declined
    the vaccine may request and obtain the vaccination at a later date at no cost. The
    College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will provide the required
    vaccinations in their office. Following Hepatitis B vaccinations, the health
    care professional will provide a Written Opinion, which will be limited to whether
    the employee required the hepatitis vaccine, and whether the vaccine was
    administered. This Written Opinion will also be kept in the employee’s medical file
    in the College Health Services EMT-Paramedic’s office.
    If the U.S. Public Health Service recommends a routine booster dose of the Hepatitis
    B vaccine at a future date, such booster doses shall be made available at no cost to the
    Information and Training
    All employees who have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens must receive
    training on the epidemiology, symptoms, protection from, and transmission of bloodborne
    pathogen diseases. The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will provide this training.
    This training will be provided at no cost to the employee and during the employees’ working
    hours. The training will be as follows:
    A. Will be provided by the College Health Services EMT-Paramedic. He/she shall
    ensure that training is provided at the time of initial assignment to tasks where
    occupational exposure may occur, and that it shall be repeated within twelve (12)
    months of the previous training.
    B. Training shall be tailored to the education and language level of the employee, and
    offered during the normal work shift. The training will be interactive and cover the
    A copy of the standard and an explanation of its contents.
    A discussion of the epidemiology and symptoms of bloodborne diseases.
    An explanation of the modes of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.

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    An explanation of the Delgado Community College Bloodborne Pathogen
    ECP, and a method for obtaining a copy.
    The recognition of tasks that may involve exposure.
    An explanation of the use and limitations of methods to reduce exposure; for
    example, engineering controls, work practices and personal protective
    equipment (PPE).
    Information on the types, selection, use, location, removal, handling,
    decontamination, and disposal of PPEs.
    Information on the Hepatitis B vaccination, including efficacy, safety, method
    of administration, benefits, and that it will be offered free of charge.
    Information on the appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an
    emergency involving blood or other potentially infectious materials.
    An explanation of the procedures to follow if an exposure incident occurs,
    including the method of reporting and medical follow up.
    Information on the evaluation and follow up required after an employee
    exposure incident.
    An explanation of the signs, labels, and color-coding systems.
    C. Employees who have received training on bloodborne pathogens in the 12 months
    preceding the effective date of this plan shall only receive training in provisions of
    the plan that were not covered.
    D. Additional training shall be provided to employees when there are any changes of
    tasks or procedures affecting the employee's occupational exposure.
    A. Medical Records are maintained for each employee with occupational exposure in
    accordance with 29 CFR 1910.20, "Access to Employee Exposure and Medical
    The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic is responsible for maintenance of the
    required medical records. These confidential records are kept in these said offices for
    at least the duration of employment plus 30 years. Employee medical records are
    provided upon request of the employee or to anyone having written consent of the
    employee within 15 working days. These medical records include:

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    Name and Social Security Number of the employee.
    Employee Hepatitis B vaccination status including dates of vaccination and
    the records relating to the employee’s ability to receive the vaccine and signed
    declination form, if applicable.
    A copy of all the results of examinations, medical testing, and follow-up
    B. Training records are completed for each employee upon completion of training.
    These documents will be kept for at least three years at the College Health Services
    EMT-Paramedic and the Senior Compliance Officer. The training records include:
    The dates of the training sessions.
    The contents or a summary of the training sessions.
    The names and qualifications of persons conducting the training.
    The names and job titles of all persons attending the training sessions.
    C. The College Health Services EMT-Paramedic will maintain a log of occupational
    injury or illness. Identifying information related to bloodborne pathogens will be
    removed prior to granting access to the records. The log will document the
    Date of incident.
    Name and Social Security number of the exposed individual.
    Hepatitis B vaccination status.
    Medical follow up, examination results, and medical testing.
    Confidential medical information must be retained while the employee is
    employed by Delgado Community College and for thirty (30) years thereafter.
    Employee medical records will be provided upon request, for examination and
    copying to the employee, the Director of NIOSH, the Assistant Secretary of
    Occupational Safety and Health, and to anyone having the written consent of the

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    (Title Updates 5/7/05)
    Post- Exposure Evaluation and Follow-Up
    Should an exposure incident occur, employees must contact the College Health Services
    EMT-Paramedic who will conduct an immediately available confidential medical evaluation
    and follow-up. Following the initial first aid (clean the wound, flush eyes or other mucous
    membrane, etc.), the following activities will be performed:
    Document the routes of exposure and how the exposure occurred.
    Identify and document the source individual (unless the employer can establish that
    identification is infeasible or prohibited by state or local law).
    Obtain consent and make arrangements to have the source individual tested as soon
    as possible to determine Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C Virus
    (HCV) and/or Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infectivity. Document that the source
    individual's test results were conveyed to the employee's health care provider.
    If the source individual is already known
    to be HIV, HCV and/or HBV positive, new
    testing need not be performed.
    Assure that the exposed employee is provided with the source individual's test results
    and with information about applicable disclosure laws and regulations concerning the
    identity and infectious status of the source individual (e.g., laws protecting
    After obtaining consent, collect exposed employee's blood as soon as feasible after
    exposure incident, and test blood for HBV and HIV serological status.
    If the employee does not give consent for HIV serological testing during collection of
    blood for baseline testing, preserve the baseline blood sample for at least ninety (90)
    days; if the exposed employee elects to have the baseline sample tested during this
    waiting period, perform testing as soon as feasible.
    Policy Reference:
    Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Standard: Bloodborne Pathogens,
    29 CFR 1910.1030
    Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Standard: Access to Employee
    Exposure and Medical Records, 29 CFR 1910.20
    Review Process:
    Safety Committee 3/14/02
    Bloodborne Pathogen Policy Ad Hoc Review Committee 11/22/02
    Executive Committee 11/25/02
    Distributed Electronically Via the College’s Internet and Email Systems

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