1. Policy No.   AA-1504.1B
  5.     ADOPTION


Policy No.     AA-1504.1B


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   EFFECTIVE DATE:   April 16, 2002


      CANCELLATION:   DCI 1504.1A (11/24/86)

  OFFICE:   Academic Affairs (AA)
















Delgado is committed to providing quality education. Two major considerations in achieving this educational goal are the skill of the instructor and the use of well-selected, appropriate textbook/ course materials. A major factor in achieving consistency of instruction is for all instructors teaching the same course to use the same required textbook/ course materials. For this reason, the College generally attempts to standardize required textbook/ course materials for each course taught at a specific campus for a period of two (2) years. For courses that follow a two-semester sequence, where the first course uses half of a textbook/ course material and the next sequential course uses the second half of the same textbook/ course material, the required textbook/ course materials for such courses are generally standardized across the College.


Some unusual circumstances which would not require standardization may include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) cross-enrollment courses with other colleges and universities; (2) technical courses requiring ongoing updates of textbook/ course materials to ensure teaching of most recent technology--such as computer courses involving software updates; and (3) courses requiring the teaching of a specialized application of the same discipline--such as teaching a course for a specific industry. Supplemental textbooks and other course materials are not standardized to allow for the individual faculty member's preference in teaching methods.

In accordance with L.R.S. 44:1, Public Records, the College allows, upon request, external (non-College) bookstores to review copies of all textbook/ course material adoption information which is made available in the divisional offices. The specific procedures for adopting required textbook/ course materials are outlined in this memorandum.





1.   Purpose


To establish the procedure for adopting textbook/ course materials at the College.



2.   Scope and Applicability


This policy and procedures memorandum applies to those employees who are involved in or affected by the adoption of textbook/ course materials at the College.



3.   Textbook/ Course Material Adoption Process


The responsibility of those involved in completing the adoption process is as follows:


A.  Faculty Members--(Faculty members involved in the textbook/ course material adoption process include all full-time regular instructors of a course taught on a specific campus.)


(1)  Together with other instructors of the same course taught on that campus, reach a consensus and select appropriate required textbook/ course materials.


(2)  For courses that follow a two-semester sequence, all full-time regular instructors of the sequential courses across the College reach a consensus and select appropriate required textbook/ course materials for both courses.


(3)  Submit the appropriate information to the Associate Dean/Dean of the division in accordance with the College's established textbook/ course material ordering schedule.


B.  Each Associate Dean/Dean of the division:


(1)  Reviews, verifies, and approves all divisional textbook/ course material adoptions and submits them to the bookstore in accordance with the College's established textbook/ course material ordering schedule:


   Fall Semester    Orders due to Bookstore Manager by

         April 1


   Spring Semester  Orders due to Bookstore Manager by October 1


   Summer Session  Orders due to Bookstore Manager by

         March 1


(2)  Selects, with the assistance from the Campus Provost/Dean if deemed necessary, an appropriate textbook/ course material when a consensus is not reached between faculty members teaching the same course for that campus.


(3)  Adheres to the College's established textbook/ course material ordering schedule for any planned change in title.


(4)  Complies with Louisiana's Public Records Law by assuring that copies of textbook/ course material adoption information for each required textbook/ course material in that division are made available in the division office for review by external (non-College) bookstores.


    1.  The Campus Bookstore Manager coordinates the ordering of all division-approved  textbook/ course materials for courses offered on each campus.
    1.  In accordance with the Louisiana Community and Technical College System  (LCTCS) Board of Supervisors’ Code of Conduct as adopted on April 10, 2002,  

 employees of the college “with positions that allow/require participation in the  

 selection process for textbooks or any material from which the employee might

   personally gain shall completely withdraw from such process by not participating

   in any discussion or voting on any recommendation related thereto.”



4.  Adoption Criteria


When the desired textbook/ course material has been narrowed down to two or three options, which equally meet course requirements, the following criteria are considered in making the final selection:


l   Reputation of and service provided by the publisher (i.e., a reasonable return policy);


l   Price of textbook/ course material; and


l   Likelihood of edition change in the near future. When an option for an abridged paperback edition of the text chosen exists, adoption of this version should be considered.



5.   Textbook/ Course Material Changeover Flexibility


Open communication regarding information about forthcoming new editions is critical between the instructors and bookstore managers. When a new edition of a textbook/ course material is published and this new edition is being requested by the faculty or ordered by the bookstore, it is important that this information be communicated to all involved parties as soon as possible.



6.   Cancellation


This policy and procedures memorandum cancels DCI 1504.1A, Textbook Selection and Ordering Process, dated November 24, 1986.





J. Terence Kelly




 L.R.S. 44:1, Public Records

 Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Board of Supervisors Code    of Conduct, approved April, 10, 2002



Review Process:

Ad Hoc Committee on Textbook/ Course Materials Adoption Policy 3/23/98

Academic Affairs Council 9/18/01, 1/24/02

Faculty Senate Review 2/7/02

Executive Council 4/16/02




Distributed Electronically Via College's Internet and E-mail Systems



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