Authorization for Special Travel Circumstances
Destination Dates of Travel
Authorization for Special Travel Circumstances
Title Division/Dept
Destination Dates of Travel
I request approval for the following special travel circumstances:
Check all that apply
Vehicle Rental for Out-of-State Conference/Meeting Travel
Provide Justification Below:
Other Special Expenses
as per
Delgado Travel Procedures
(Alternative transportation mode other than air travel, etc.) –
Provide Justification Below:
I certify that these expenses are necessary for college operations. I am prepared to document and justify in the event of auditor’s request.
Employee’s Signature
Approved: _________________________________________________________
Immediate Supervisor Date
Approved: _________________________________________________________
Vice Chancellor/Executive Dean/Dean (as appropriate) Date
Approved: _________________________________________________________
Assistant Vice Chancellor/Controller Date
Approved: _________________________________________________________
Chancellor Date
Form 1380/004 (9/17)
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