1. Policy No.   AA-1447.1D
    3. CREDIT: Acknowledgements of Completion Based on Credit Course Work
    4. NON-CREDIT: Acknowledgements of Completion Based on Non-credit Course Work


Policy No.    AA-1447.1D


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   EFFECTIVE DATE:   May 17, 2005


      CANCELLATION:   AA-1447.1C (12/20/94)


  OFFICE:   Academic Affairs (AA)
















 Diplomas are issued to students who have completed the general and program-specific requirements for Board-of-Regents-approved Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of General Studies, Associate of Science, and Technical Diploma programs. Certificates are issued to students who have completed the general and program-specific requirements for Board-of-Regents-approved Certificate of Applied Science and Certificate of Technical Studies programs. These requirements are contained in the Delgado Community College Catalog in effect when the student enrolls, changes major, or graduates.


 No other document/award issued by any unit of the College will be identified as a "diploma" or a "certificate." Awards and acknowledgements of completion of other credit course work, non-credit course work, or programs offered in cooperation with other agencies will be issued in accordance with this memorandum.


 The format for diplomas, certificates, and acknowledgements of completion will be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development and printed by Delgado under the signature authority of the College Registrar only.


 Academic diplomas and certificates of completion are issued in accordance with the requirements of the Louisiana Board of Regents and the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) Board of Supervisors policies, as well as the specific guidelines and procedures outlined in this memorandum.







1.   Purpose


To define the types of awards to be issued to students upon completion of

the various programs offered by Delgado Community College.



2.   Scope and Applicability


This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all campuses and organizational units of Delgado Community College.



3.   Types of Awards


A.   Diplomas and Certificates in Programs Approved by the Louisiana Board of Regents and/or the LCTCS Board of Supervisors


Diplomas will be issued to students who have completed Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of General Studies, Associate of Science, and Technical Diploma programs. Certificates of Applied Science and Certificates of Technical Studies will be issued to students who have completed these certificate programs. General requirements for these programs are contained in Section 4, Requirements for Receipt of Diplomas and Certificates Approved by the Louisiana Board of Regents,” of this memorandum; specific program requirements are contained in the Delgado Community College Catalog. No other document issued by a unit of the College shall be identified as a "diploma" or a "certificate."


Diplomas and certificates will be signed by the Provost of the Campus and will be printed with the signatures of the Chancellor, the System President of the LCTCS, and the Chairman of the LCTCS Board of Supervisors. The diplomas and certificates will be presented during commencement exercises at the end of each spring and fall semester. The College Registrar shall be responsible for verifying students' completion of program requirements and will maintain the official records of all degrees and certificates awarded.


 B.   Technical Competency Area (TCA)


    Technical Competency Areas (TCAs) will be issued to students who have        completed the requirements for these credit courses. General requirements for      TCAs are contained in Section 5, “Requirements for Receipt of Technical        Competency Areas (TCAs) Approved by the LCTCS Board of Supervisors,” of this    memorandum; specific program requirements are contained in the Delgado      Community College Catalog.


   TCAs will be signed by the Chancellor and the Campus Provost. The College      Registrar shall be responsible for verifying students' completion of  program      requirements and will maintain the official records of all TCAs awarded.


C.   Acknowledgements of Completion


Acknowledgements of completion will be issued to students who have completed College-approved programs that have not been sanctioned by the Louisiana Board of Regents and/or the LCTCS Board of Supervisors.


1.   Acknowledgements Based on Credit Course Work


Any acknowledgement of completion of a credit course or group of courses will be verified by the College Registrar before the acknowledgement is issued. Such acknowledgements will be signed by the Division Dean/Director of the Program and the Campus Provost; the instructor's signature may be included as appropriate. However, such acknowledgements of completion issued by Workforce Development and Education will be signed by the coordinator of the program and the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Education; the instructor's signature may be included as appropriate.


Appropriate documentation of program completion will be maintained in the student's permanent academic record. Acknowledgements of Completion based on credit course work are listed in Attachment A, “Acknowledgements of Completion.”



2.   Acknowledgements of Completion of Programs Offered in Cooperation with Other Agencies


Acknowledgements of completion of programs offered in cooperation with external agencies will clearly indicate the name of both the outside agency and Delgado Community College; the number of semester hours of credit course work; and the number of clock hours of non-credit instruction included in the program. Titles of the programs will be descriptive and will not be the same as Board of Regents approved degree or certificate programs except as specifically approved by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development or when required by the appropriate external regulatory agency.



These acknowledgements of completion will be signed by the Division Dean, the Director of the Program and the Campus Provost; however, such acknowledgements of completion issued by Workforce Development and Education will be signed by the coordinator of the program and the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Education.


The College Registrar will be provided with a list of students who have completed programs and verification that each student has completed the requirements for the program.


3.   Acknowledgements Based on Non-credit Course Work


Acknowledgements of completion of non-credit courses and programs will clearly indicate the contact hours of participation and the number of Continuing Educations Units (CEUs) awarded. Such acknowledgements will be signed by the instructor, the Director of the Program, and the Division Dean; however, such acknowledgements of completion issued by Workforce Development and Education will be signed by the instructor, coordinator of the program and the Vice Chancellor for Workforce Development and Education.


Grades of "P" for successful completion of the course(s) and "NC" for non-completion will be recorded on the students' Non-credit Academic Record. The College Registrar will be provided with a list of students who have completed programs each semester. Acknowledgements of Completion based on non-credit course work are listed in

Attachment A, “Acknowledgements of Completion.”



4.   Requirements for Receipt of Diplomas and Certificates Approved by the Louisiana Board of Regents


At the end of each fall and spring semester, Delgado Community College will hold its commencement exercises to present diplomas to students completing the associate degree, technical diplomas and certificates to students completing the certificate programs. To qualify, a student must meet the specific program requirements contained in the Delgado Community College Catalog in effect when the student enrolls, graduates, or changes majors and the general requirements listed in Attachment B, “General Requirements for Receipt of Diplomas and Certificates Approved by the Louisiana Board of Regents.”




5.   Requirements for Receipt of Technical Competency Areas (TCAs) Approved  by the LCTCS Board of Supervisors


  A Technical Competency Area is an applied course or a series of courses that has a  focus on workforce development. These may be free-standing courses or they may be  part of a certificate and/or degree program. Many of the TCAs prepare students for  certification or licensure. To qualify a student must meet the requirements

 listed in Attachment C, “Requirements for Receipt of Technical Competency Areas  (TCAs) Approved by the LCTCS Board of Supervisors.”



6.   Format for Diplomas, Certificates and Acknowledgements of Completion


All diplomas, certificates, and acknowledgements of completion will be printed at Delgado. The format of each document will be in accordance with requirements of LCTCS Board of Supervisors policy and approved by the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development. However, when required, the format for acknowledgements of completion of programs offered in cooperation with other agencies will meet the requirements of the appropriate external regulatory agency. No Delgado Community College employee may design, print, reproduce or distribute any degree, certificate or acknowledgement of completion not approved and produced through the above process.



7.   Other Awards and Acknowledgements


Individual programs and organizations may produce and distribute honor awards, attendance awards, scholarship acknowledgements, acknowledgements of appreciation, etc. However, it is recommended that the College seal, Chancellor’s signature, official paper, and the term "certificate," must not be used, unless specifically required. Such awards and acknowledgements must be approved through the appropriate Campus Provost or Vice Chancellor, prior to their distribution.



8.   Cancellation


This policy and procedures memorandum cancels DCI 1447.1C, Academic Diplomas

and Certificates of Completion, dated December 20, 1994.




Alex Johnson



Policy Reference:

Louisiana Board of Regents, Academic Policy 2.15, “Definitions of Undergraduate      Certificates and Degrees”

Board of Supervisors for Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges, Policy I.1.002,      â€œDelegation of Authority to Chancellors to Sign and Distribute Degrees, Diplomas    and Certificates”

Board of Supervisors for Louisiana Community and Technical Colleges,

 Policy #I.1.001, “Wording Utilizing on LCTCS Degrees, Diplomas and Other      Awards”

Principles of Accreditation, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on    Colleges


Review Process:

Curriculum Committee 3/11/05

Academic Affairs Council 4/14/05

College Council 5/17/05



Electronic distribution via the College’s Internet and Email Systems



 Attachment A-  Acknowledgements of Completion


 Attachment B-  General Requirements for Receipt of Diplomas and Certificates          Approved by the Louisiana Board of Regents


 Attachment C-    Requirements for Receipt of Technical Competency Areas

       (TCAs) Approved by the LCTCS Board of Supervisors



Attachment A



CREDIT: Acknowledgements of Completion Based on Credit Course Work


Credit programs include but are not limited to the following:


Interior Design Professional Licensure (course work to

meet licensure requirements; not the Delgado Associate of Arts degree program in Interior


Cook's Practical Certification Exam (course work to meet

exam requirements only; not the Delgado Associate

of Applied Science degree program in Culinary Arts)

E.K.G. I - Introductory Electrocardiography

E.K.G. II - Intermediate Electrocardiography

English as a Second Language

Jewelry Manufacturing and Repair


NON-CREDIT: Acknowledgements of Completion Based on Non-credit Course Work


Non-credit programs include but are not limited to the following:


Non-credit/continuing education courses

Professional Certification

Basic/Advanced Ship Firefighting

U.S. Coast Guard Approved Marine Firefighting

Maritime Fire and Industrial Training

Radar Simulator Refresher Courses

- Three-day Inland Waters

- Three-day Ocean Waters

Comprehensive Observer Renewal Certification

- One-day Course

Business and Industry Customized Training



Approved May 17, 2005

Attachment B






To qualify to receive a diploma or certificate, a student must meet the specific program requirements contained in the Delgado Community College Catalog in effect when the student enrolls, graduates, or changes majors and the following general requirements:


(1)  Earn at least a 2.0 ("C") grade point average on all work attempted at Delgado Community College (excluding grades for courses deleted through academic renewal or repeat/delete).


(2)  Earn at least a 2.0 ("C") in each course in the major and have a grade point average of 2.0 on all courses required in the degree, technical diploma or certificate curriculum.


(3)  Complete 12 of the final 15 hours (excluding hours gained through

non-traditional credit) required in the degree, technical diploma or certificate program in residence at Delgado Community College.


(4)  Earn at least 25 percent of the hours needed for the certificate/technical diploma/degree in residence at Delgado Community College, of which 9 must be in the major field of study.


(5)  Earn no more than a total of 24 credit hours from non-traditional sources, with no more than 1/3 of the major course credit requirements being earned from these sources.


(6)  Apply for graduation by in accordance with the dates published in the Delgado Community College Catalog.


(7)  Earn at least the number of credits stipulated in the degree, technical diploma or certificate program. If a program requires a course but the course is no longer available or a course substitution has been made, completion of the total number of credit hours required in the program curriculum, as listed in the catalog being followed, is mandatory.


(8)  Fulfill all other obligations and regulations including financial obligations to the College prior to established dates.

Approved May 17, 2005


Attachment C






To qualify to receive a Technical Competency Area (TCA) approved by the Louisiana Community and Technical College System Board of Supervisors, a student must meet the following requirements:



 (1)  Earn a “C” or better in all courses required in the TCA;


 (2)  Complete the following percentage of credit hours in residence at Delgado

   Community College:


   1-6 Credit Hours -    100%


   7-9 Credit Hours-       66%


   10 or more Credit Hours-   75%;


 (3)  Earn no more than 50% of credit hours from non-traditional sources; and


 (4)  Earn at least the number of credits stipulated in the TCA. If a TCA requires      a course but the course is no longer available or a course substitution has been      made, completion of the total number of credit hours required in the TCA,  

   as listed in the catalog being followed, is mandatory.












Approved May 17, 2005


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