1. I. Review Minutes
      2. II. Report on Name Changes Procedure
      3. VI. Report on Degree Types
      4. VI. Changes to Special Characters
      5. IX. Announcements 

Data Standards & Integrity Committee

Banner Training Center Building 2

Meeting Minutes



Meeting called to order on June 6, 2005 at 2:04 p.m. by Chairperson Cathy Sarrazin.


Members in attendance:


Boutte, Gwen



Bridges, Deborah


Thompson, Stacy

Downes, Cynthia


Charity School of Nursing

Grouchey, Jim


McCammon, Marlise


Minyard, Debbie


Rodriguez, Ronald


Sarrazin, Cathy


Wainright, Carolyn




I.   Review Minutes


·   The minutes of the May 16, 2005 meeting were reviewed and approved on motion of Marlise McCammon.



II. Report on Name Changes Procedure

·   The committee took up the discussion from the previous meeting. Debbie Minyard distributed revised copies of the procedure for Name changes to the membership. The committee reviewed and discussed changes to section 1.1. Members will review the proposed changes at the next meeting.


VI. Report on Degree Types

·   There was not sufficient time available to address this item and was tabled until the next meeting.


VI. Changes to Special Characters

·   There was not sufficient time available to address this item and was tabled until the next meeting.



IX.   Announcements  


·   Meeting Schedule - Summer 2005 –







June 20th


2:00 pm



July 18th


2:00 pm

Banner Training Center Conf. Room - Bldg. 2



Meeting Adjourned at 2:45 pm.

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