In the classroom the instructor is expected to:
1. Provide lectures, lead discussions, perform demonstrations, or use technology which facilitates learning.
2. Be organized.
3. Be intellectually stimulating.
4. Demonstrate he/she is not bound by the text.
5. Be sincerely and constructively interested in each student.
6. Encourage student participation in learning and assessment activities.
7. Have a well-prepared course syllabus and directions.
8. Effectively use materials, methods, and examinations.
9. Give students the opportunity to develop written and oral communication skills.
10. Adhere to stated course objectives in the Master Syllabus.
Student Evaluation of Instruction
All faculty members' (full-time and adjunct) classes are evaluated by the students in accordance with the timeline set forth in the College’s Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction policy. These evaluations are required and the results figure into the application for Promotion-in-Rank process.
Supervisor Evaluation of Instruction and/or Other Responsibilities
Each faculty member is evaluated in accordance with the College’s Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction policy.