Policy No. IT-1822.1E
EFFECTIVE DATE: April 3, 2007
CANCELLATION: AD-1822.1D (7/15/97)
OFFICE: Information Technology (IT)
Under the direction of the Information Systems Council (ISC), the Office of Information Technology (OIT) provides technology services to its constituent by providing the technology leadership and technical resources required to establish and support the College’s information technology enterprise by providing the following services:
Application Programming
Computer Operations
Enterprise Resource Planning and Administration
Help Desk and Desktop Support
Networking, Communication, and Media Services
Technology services are provided in accordance with the provisions and procedures outlined in this memorandum.
1. Purpose
To establish procedures for acquiring technology services through the Office of Information Technology (OIT) for faculty and staff of the College.
2. Scope and Applicability
This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all operational units of Delgado Community College that require support from the Office of Information Technology.
3. Requesting Technology Services
A. General Provisions
Request for technology services will be initiated by the individual requesting the service or a department designee. A request is made by creating a new ‘problem ticket’, ‘access request’ or ‘change order’ via the online OIT Help Desk for the appropriate category.
All requests must have the online approval of the requestor’s immediate supervisor, division dean/director/department head and/or provost, as well as the appropriate data manager(s), if applicable for a particular request, before being completed by OIT personnel.
Information Technology personnel will not be permitted to provide computer services without an approved request authorizing the work. Once a request has completed the online approval process, it generally takes about three (3) to five (5) days to complete most requests. Should a particular request require a longer period of time for completion, the contact person is usually notified.
B. Definitions
Problem Ticket - means “I need something,†or “Something’s broken.â€
Access Request - request submitted for a new hire to acquire an email account, network account, and/or to add/update system access; requires approval from Supervisors, Division/Dept. Heads, Vice Chancellors, Data Managers, and/or Campus Provosts, as appropriate.
Create a New Work Order- means “I would like to have something,†(i.e. a special report, media equipment, installation of a PC); most require approvals.
Affected End User - the individual who is having the problem or desiring special services to be rendered.
Category/ Request Area- tree structure listing of possible problems and/or desired special services needed.
Urgency- indicates how impacting an issue is to the requestor and how quickly he or she would like to see it addressed.
C. Responsibilities and Procedures
1. Division Deans/ Directors/ Department Heads and their staffs may request computer support for areas within their jurisdiction by (a) providing a concise but complete description of the requested service identifying (1) the data affected, (2) the information needed, (3) the problem to be corrected, or (4) the output description (attaching a sample report if necessary) and by (b) requesting a realistic completion date. Requests are then to be routed electronically to the custodian of the system for approval.
2. The custodian of the system, the Data Manager, will approve or reject the request. If approved, the request will be routed to the appropriate IT unit for processing. If the request is rejected, it will be closed and an email notification will be sent to the requestor. A request may be rejected for any number of reasons, for example, an incorrect form used, report already exists, request already in process, confidential data, information available through another means, etc.)
3. The Office of Information Technology assigned analyst will be notified electronically that a request is waiting. Once completed, the request will be marked ‘completed’ and ‘closed’ by the assigned analyst. The requestor will be notified electronically that the request has been closed.
4. The requestor should open the email from the OIT Help Desk indicating that the request has been closed and read it for any special instructions.
4. Acquisition of Computers, Computer-Related Components, Software, and Services
The Office of Information Technology will review proposed purchases for computers, computer-related components, software, and services to ensure that the acquisition will satisfy the need; to ensure completeness of the request; to ensure compatibility of hardware and software where applicable; to ensure that provisions for legal software are being met; and to ensure in-house maintainability and support, where applicable.
5. Training
Training in the use of computer systems applications is usually done within the requesting unit by a department designee. However, on occasions, formal training for departments in the use of these system applications may be needed and will require making the request via the online Office of Information Technology Help Desk system. When making such a request, the nature of the training needed must be stated, as well as the times available for training personnel and possible available locations for conducting the training sessions.
6. Requesting Services
A. OIT Help Desk
Faculty and staff members may be granted access to the College's computer resources, if deemed appropriate for their positions or departments. To become a user of the College's computer resources, a request must be made through the OIT online Help Desk. The OIT Help Desk provides various categories of services, so it is important to choose the appropriate one.
Faculty and staff may access the online OIT Help Desk by doing the following:
1. Go to the Delgado website Home Page at “www.dcc.edu â€
2. Choose “Faculty& Staff.â€
3. Under “Faculty & Staff Resourcesâ€, choose “OIT Help Desk.â€
a. Whoever is currently logged into the computer will be automatically logged into the Help Desk.
b. To view personal Scoreboard on a computer other than user’s own, choose “Logout†in the green toolbar to exit the Help Desk. User will be prompted to login. Enter into personal Scoreboard using network username and password (as used at the initial login to computer).
c. Personal Help Desk information and history will appear.
§ All green labels indicate required fields.
§ All blue labels may be selected for more details within all areas of the Help Desk.
§ Every Problem Ticket & Work Order is assigned a unique ID.
Faculty and staff may access the online service directly from browser by doing the following:
1. Type http://dcchelpdesk.dcc.edu in the address field of browser.
2. When the Connect to dcchelpdesk.dcc.edu box appears, Enter username and password.
§ Username must be entered in the following format: dcc-master\username (ex. “dcc-master\jsmithâ€)
§ The password is the requestor’s regular Network/AD password.
3. Click “Okay.â€
B. Requesting and Updating End User Account Access
The three major applications accessed through the College’s mainframe system are: (1) the Student Information System (SIS); (2) the Financial Records System (FRS); and (3) the Human Resources System (HRS). Each system, and the specific functions of the system, is overseen by data managers who are responsible for managing user access and security of specific function of the systems.
Requests for access to mainframe data or functions are to be made on the appropriate system access form, with the approval of the employee's supervisor and the data manager of the system. Access to the network and mainframe must be granted before an employee is granted access to the individual systems. Requests to update access are to be made on the appropriate system access update form. The following online forms are required for obtaining and updating access to each system or updating existing account access:
Student Information System (SIS)
To request access to the Student Information System, an Access Request New User SIS Form and an Access Request New User Computer Account Form must be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing. To update existing SIS account/access, an Access Request Update User SIS Account/Access Form must be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing.
Financial Records System (FRS)
To request access to the Financial Records System, an Access Request New User FRS Form and an Access Request New User Computer Account Form must be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing. To update existing FRS account/access, an Access Request Update User FRS Account/Access Form must be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing.
Human Resources System (HRS)
Because of the confidential nature of employee information, access to the College's Human Resources System is extremely limited. To request access to the Human Resources System, an Access Request New User HRS Form and an Access Request New User Computer Account Form be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing. To update existing HRS account/access, an Access Request Update User HRS Account/Access Form must be submitted electronically via the OIT Help Desk online system to the Office of Information Technology for processing.
7. Evaluation
During each academic year, the Office of Information Technology will assess the effectiveness of this policy and procedures via a survey. The Information Systems Council uses the results of this survey to reassess the policy.
8. Inquiries
Any inquiries or questions relative to this policy and procedures memorandum should be directed to the Executive Director of Information Technology.
9. Cancellation
This policy and procedures memorandum cancels Policy and Procedures Memorandum AD-1822.1D, Computer Services, dated July 15, 1997.
Alex Johnson
Review Process:
Information Systems Council 3/2/07
College Council 4/3/07
Distributed Electronically Via College's E-Mail and Internet Systems
Attachment A - List of Data Managers
Attachment A
List of Data Managers
Current System Data Manager ("System Owner")
New Courses College Registrar
Course Schedule/Lists College Registrar
Student Records: Financial
Aid/Loans Director of Student Financial Assistance
Tuition/Fees Director of Account Receivables
Student Records: Academic
Standard Reports College Registrar
New Reports:
Recruitment Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services
Admissions Director of Admissions and Enrollment Services
Graduate College Registrar
All Other Student Records, College Registrar
i.e., Advising, IPEDS,
Board Reports,
Transcripts, etc.
General Ledger/Budget Controller
Employee Information Director of Human Resources
Payroll Controller & Director of Human Resources
External Requests
Public Information Director of Public Relations
Approved 4/3/07