Policy No. AA-6311.1A
EFFECTIVE DATE: February 15, 2000
CANCELLATION: AA-6311.1 (5/6/97)
OFFICE: Academic Affairs (AA)
Delgado Community College is committed to supporting innovative instruction and student-centered activities. Mini-grants are designed to encourage members of faculty and staff to develop creative or experimental projects which are consistent with the Delgado Community College mission and which contribute to the teaching-learning process. Mini-grants are not designed to fund travel, purchase equipment or software, or pay employee tuition. Upon recommendation of the Professional Development Committee, mini-grants are forwarded for final approval and funding to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. Specific information on mini-grant application procedures and evaluation methods are outlined in this memorandum.
1. Purpose
To establish the procedures involved in applying for, evaluating, and awarding College mini-grants.
2. Scope and Applicability
This policy and procedures memorandum applies to all regular faculty and unclassified administrators/staff of the College as defined by their Human Resources System Codes: 9-Month Regular Faculty (HRS Code 01); 10-Month Regular Faculty (HRS Code 02); 11-Month Regular Faculty (HRS Code 03); 12-Month Regular Faculty (HRS Code 04); and 12-Month Unclassified Administrators/Staff (HRS Code 08).
3. Application Guidelines
To apply for a mini-grant, an applicant must complete a Mini-Grant Application, Form 6311/001 (Attachment A), which requires the applicant to describe a needs statement, objectives, anticipated outcomes/effects, strategies, a timetable, and evaluation activities. A Mini-Grant Expense Summary Sheet, Form 6311/002 (Attachment B), which outlines all proposed expenses for the proposal/project, must be attached to the application. Mini-Grant Applications are submitted to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost and are accepted until November 1 of each fall semester. The Professional Development Committee has responsibility for advertising application guidelines and timeline for mini-grants.
4. Evaluation of Mini-Grant Applications
Mini-Grant Applications are reviewed by a subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee. Applications are first reviewed for completeness; only completed applications will be considered. Applications are then evaluated using the Mini-Grant Criteria and Evaluation Form, Form 6311/003 (Attachment C). Each subcommittee member will complete a criteria and evaluation form for each proposal; since funds are limited, awards are made on a competitive basis.
Upon review of all applications, the Mini-Grant Subcommittee makes recommendations to the entire Professional Development Committee, which in turn submits its final recommendations, with copies of all applications and evaluation forms attached, to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost by the date specified in the College's yearly Operational Guidelines (usually mid-November).
5. Award Notification and Announcement
Award letters are mailed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost to recipients before the end of the fall semester. Selections remain confidential until official announcements are made by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. Formal announcements regarding mini-grant awards are made at each Spring Convocation.
Payments are made half at the time the award is formally announced and half upon completion of the project. Because mini-grant awards are considered employment income by the U.S. Government, payments are taxable.
6. Project Completion
A progress report on the project is due in March (the exact date is specified in the College's yearly Operational Guidelines) in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. Mini-grant projects are expected to be completed by
June 1. Mini-grant recipients are required to present the results of their projects to the appropriate segments of the College community in the following semester.
7. Mini-Grant Timeline
The Mini-grant Timeline, which is printed in the College's yearly Operational Guidelines, specifies the dates of the deadlines associated with the mini-grants process.
8. Cancellation
This policy and procedures memorandum cancels policy and procedures memorandum AA-6311.1, Mini-grants, dated May 6, 1997.
J. Terence Kelly
Policy Reference:
Criteria for Accreditation Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools
Review Process:
Professional Development Committee 4/22/99
Academic Affairs Council 2/8/00
Executive Council 2/15/00
Distributed Electronically Via College's Intranet
Hard Copy Departmental Distribution
Attachment A - Mini-Grant Application (Form 6311/001)
Attachment B - Mini-Grant Expense Summary Sheet (Form 6311/002)
Attachment C - Mini-Grant Proposal Evaluation Form (Form 6311/003)
Applicant's Name: Campus/Unit: ______________ Division/Area: Phone: _______________________ Amount Requested (Not to exceed $900): _____________________________
Grant Proposal Title:
Attach the following:
I. ABSTRACT - (An abstract summarizing the proposal in 100 words or less.)
II. GRANT PROPOSAL - (A proposal addressing each of the topics described below, not to exceed four typed pages.)
A. Needs Statement
1. How will the project impact the Delgado Community College mission?
2. How will the project enhance the teaching-learning process?
3. What student, institutional or individual need makes this project appropriate and feasible?
B. Objectives
1. What are the major objectives of the project?
2. What will be the specific results, expected outcomes or benefits of this project?
3. What positive effects will this have on your specific area or on the institution?
C. Strategy/ Work Plan
1. How will the major objectives be accomplished?
2. What timetable will be used? (Note: A report of progress or final results must be submitted to the Chair of the Professional Development Committee.)
D. Evaluation and Report
1. How will the project be evaluated?
2. How and when will the results of the project be presented to the appropriate segments of the College community? (Note: A workshop or presentation that is planned, publicized and delivered, is mandatory. Copies of all publicity must be sent to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development.)
Form 6311/001 2/05)
Directions: The "description of expense" and "proposed expense" sections are to be completed by the applicant at the time of application for the mini-grant.
Description of Expense Proposed Expense Actual Cost**
**To be documented upon completion of the project.
Form 6311/002 (2/05)
Proposal Title:
Applicant's Name:
Criteria |
Points |
1. Review of Application for Completeness (Yes/No)
2. Needs Statement : A. How will the project impact the College's mission? (0-5) B. How will the project enhance the teaching-learning process? (0-5) C. What student, institutional or individual need makes this project appropriate and feasible? (0-5)
3. Objectives: A. What are the major objectives of the project? (0-5) B. What will be the specific results, expected outcomes or benefits of the project? (0-5) C. What positive effects will this have on your specific area or on the institution? (0-5)
4. Strategy/ Work Plan : A. How will the major objectives be accomplished? (0-5) B. What timetable will be used? (0-5)
5. Evaluation and Report A. How will the project be evaluated? (0-5) B. How and when will the results of the project be presented to the appropriate segments of the College community? (0-5) |
Total (out of 50 Points) |
Form 6311/003 (2/05)