1. I. Review Minutes
      2. II. Changes to Special Characters
      3. III. Changes to Social Security Numbers
      4. IV. Announcements

Data Standards & Integrity Committee

Banner Training Center Building 2

Meeting Minutes



Meeting called to order on August 1, 2005 at 2:17 p.m. by Chairperson Cathy Sarrazin.


Members in attendance:


Boutte, Gwen



Bridges, Deborah

Sharp, Courtney


Grouchey, Jim




Hunter, Tina


Jones, Tonya


Minyard, Debbie


Sarrazin, Cathy


Scott, Kristen


Wainright, Carolyn




I.   Review Minutes


·   The minutes of the June 18, 2005 meeting were reviewed and approved on motion of Tina Hunter.


II. Changes to Special Characters

·   The report on this topic was not available. Sufficient time was not available to address this item and was tabled until the next meeting.


III. Changes to Social Security Numbers



·   Debbie Minyard distributed a draft of the procedure to change social security numbers to the membership for review.

·   The members recommended several changes to the document. No action was taken on this pending the revisions to be presented at the next meeting.



IV.   Announcements


·   Revision to the Data Standards Manual will need to be completed by September 9, 2005 in order to run the Banner Test.


·   Meeting Schedule - Fall 2005 –







August 8th


2:00 pm

Banner Training Center Conf. Room - Bldg. 2




Meeting Adjourned at 2:45 pm.

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