Survey of Students taking Online Courses
Spring 2006
Yes No
Is this your first online course? 46.5% 53.5%
Is this your first online course at Delgado? 50.9% 49.1%
Did you apply for admission online? 33.2% 66.8%
Did you register for classes online? 68.4% 31.6%
Did you apply for financial assistance online? 55.3% 44.7%
Have you had problems accessing online assignments? 24.7% 75.3%
Have you had problems getting textbooks online? 20.5% 79.5%
81.0% 19.0%
Online Onsite None
Did you take the orientation for the online course? 67.1% 13.2% 19.6%
1 to 2 3 to 4 > 4 none
31.0% 16.9% 8.8% 43.3%
Do you feel you are receiving adequate instruction in your on
line courses?
How many online courses have you taken in
previous semesters?
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
No. of students receiving adequate instruction in your
online courses
No. of students having problems getting textbooks
No. of students having problems accessing online
No. of students taking the orientation for the online
No. of students applying for financial assistance on
No. of students registering for classes online?
No. of students applying for admission online
No. of students taking first online course at Delgado
No. of students taking first online course
Survey of Students taking Online Courses
Spring 2006
All Most Some None
44.3% 32.8% 12.8% 10.1%
Enough Some
Enough None
67.7% 23.2% 4.9% 4.2%
Why did you sign up for an online course?
Work schedule 53.3% Commute 22.7%
Prefer online to onsite 17.8% Reside too far to attend classes 18.9%
Other (please specify) 33.3%
Blackboard 4.52
Tegrity(recorded lectures) 4.10
Online library resources 3.91
Computer labs 3.99
System availability 4.14
Help Desk 3.86
Online Advising 3.72
Online Admissions 4.11
Online Registration 4.25
Online Financial Aid 4.02
Did the orientation for online courses provide all the
information that you needed?
Did Delgado provide you with enough information about on
line courses so that you could make a determination of
whether online courses were for you?
Rate the following services and resources: 5 = Very Good 4 = Good 3 = Neutral 2 = Poor 1= Very Poor n/a =
Not applicable
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Tegrity(recorded lectures)
Online library resources
Computer labs
System availability
Help Desk
Online Advising
Online Admissions
Online Registration
Online Financial Aid
Survey of Students taking Online Courses
Spring 2006
50.8% 43.0% 6.2%
Better Same Not as good
19.6% 47.7% 32.7%
Does your instructor(s) seem prepared to teach online?
ery Prepared Somewhat Not
51.1% 29.0% 15.0% 4.9%
ery Satisfied Unsatisfied Very
Satisfied Satisfied
41.1% 43.6% 9.5% 5.9%
44.4% 42.2% 8.9% 4.5%
Do you feel connected to the other students in your class?
Connected Connected
Very Dis
9.2% 43.3% 33.6% 13.9%
Are you satisfied with the amount of
communication with your online instructor(s)?
Are you satisfied with the timeliness of
communication with your online instructor(s)?
Yes, only if necessary
Will you take another
online course?
How does the instruction you received online
compare with instruction in a classroom with a
Yes, I prefer online
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