A Guide for Faculty Members at
    Delgado Community College

    contacting the Offce of Student Life and Judicial Affairs to
    response. This brochure has been designed by the Offce of
    Student Life and Judicial Affairs to help you assess problem
    defnes disruptive behavior as:
    Any student who displays intentional obstruction or
    disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary
    procedure, or other authorized college event;
    Any student who displays physical abuse or threat thereof
    against any person on campus or at any college authorized
    event, or other conduct which threatens or endangers the
    health and safety of any such person;
    Any student who displays conduct which adversely affects
    the student’s suitability as a member of the academic
    community (such as drunkenness, use of profanity, or
    disorderly conduct).
    Answering cell phones and having pagers beep.
    Interrupting lectures and talking without being called on.
    Leaving and entering the classroom without permission.
    (Reporting to class late)
    Threatening or verbally insulting the professor or other
    Borrowing text books or other class materials while class
    is in session.
    Basically just being loud and distracting.
    Suggestions for Prevention of Classroom Disruption
    Remember that as a faculty member, you have the prerogative to
    establish and enforce reasonable behavioral standards for each
    of your classes. The following suggestions may be helpful:
    Include course and behavioral norms and expectations for
    you and your students in the syllabus. You should include
    a copy of the Student Judicial Code as part of the syllabus.
    On the frst day of class, ask your students what they think
    the behavioral norms and expectations should be, add
    their suggestions to your list. You will fnd that students are
    often the strongest supporters of classroom decorum.
    Discuss these norms and expectations with your students,
    so they can gain an in-depth understanding of how they
    should act in your class.
    Draw up a “contract” on classroom behavior, including
    academic integrity, and ask students to read and sign it the
    frst week of class.
    Serve as a role model and exhibit the type of behavior you
    expect from your students.
    to the safety of himself/
    herself or others, becomes physically or verbally abusive,
    Campus Police should be contacted immediately and a report
    should be submitted to Offce of Student Life and Judicial Affairs.
    It is often a mistake to assume that aggressive behavior will stop
    on its own. Always err on the side of safety.
    is important to deal with the behavior in calm, courteous, and
    direct fashion before it escalates. During class, you may frst
    make a general comment, such as, “We have too many private
    conversations going on at this time; let’s focus on the same
    topic.” If the disruptive behavior does not cease, you may ask
    a particular student to refrain from the disruptive behavior and
    ask that he/she come to see you after class, so you can address
    the problem in private. When you meet with the student, explain
    why you consider this type of behavior inappropriate, stress your
    behavioral expectations for your students, and warn the student
    that further occurrences of disruptive behavior may result in
    disciplinary action.
    Offce of Student Life and Judicial Affairs (504)483-4454
    or the student exhibits a different
    disruptive behavior, the student should be given a verbal as
    well as written warning regarding possible consequences of
    continued behavior. The written warning should
    be copied
    to your Department Chair and The Offce of Student Life and
    Judicial Affairs. It should contain only factual and descriptive
    information. Utilize form 1448/001 contained in Docushare to
    report incidents not requiring Delgado’s police assistance.
    and is posing a threat
    to the safety of others you may ask the student to leave the
    class. If the student refuses to leave, you may call campus Police
    for assistance. A disruptive student who is asked to leave or who
    is removed from class should, as soon as practicable, be given
    the opportunity to meet with you to discuss his/her behavior. You
    may meet with the student alone, or with the Offce of Student
    Life and Judicial Affairs or with your Department Chair. The
    behavior also should be documented utilizing form 1448/001
    and reported to Offce of Student Life. A disruptive student may
    not be permanently removed from class without a formal judicial
    hearing; therefore, it is essential that you work with The Offce of
    Student Life and Judicial Affairs before taking this step.
    Any information you learn while speaking privately with the
    disruptive student should be handled in a confdential manner.
    You only may discuss the case with campus offcials who have a
    legitimate educational interest such as your Department Chair or
    the Judicial Offcer. The privacy of a student’s educational record
    (i.e.: grades, reports of misconduct, etc.) is protected under the
    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
    What Happens if You Refer a Student to the
    Offce of Student Life and Judicial Affairs?
    If the Offce of Student Life and Judicial Affairs receives a report
    of misconduct, the student will be asked to meet with the Judicial
    Offcer for a Resolution Conference. If the complaint cannot be
    resolved through the Resolution Conference process, the case
    will be referred to the Campus Judicial Committee. Should a
    case go to a hearing, you will be asked to be present and provide
    information. If the Judicial Committee fnds that the allegations
    have merit, it can impose sanctions ranging from Probation to
    Expulsion from the college without privilege of re-admission.
    Student Judicial Code.

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