The benchmarks are briefly described below.
Community colleges differ significantly — even
dramatically — from one another on variables
interpreting benchmark scores — especially when
has adopted an official policy on “Responsible Uses
The five benchmarks encompass 38 engagement
survey that reflect many of the
Students’ own behaviors contribute significantly
successfully attain their educational goals. “Time
Used peer or other tutoring
Used skill labs
Used a computer lab
student performance. Specifically, Academic
Using information you have read or heard to
Encouraging you to spend significant amounts of
students see first-hand how experts identify and solve
Used email to communicate with an instructor
Students perform better and are more satisfied at
college students also benefit from services targeted
Providing the financial support you need to afford
Used academic advising/ planning services
Used career counseling services
support for learners. These are five areas that have
items associated with each benchmark are first
performance is better or worse than average − and
— Multiple pages of survey data presented
This will allow you to identify the specific items that
— Benchmark scores are designed
key areas that — according to research — contribute
Gamson, 1987). Colleges can use these scores
— Until recently,
therefore, every college is on the same playing field.
— Any or all of the benchmark