    Education that Works!
    Student Government Association
    College-Wide Meeting Minutes
    February 15, 2008
    Charity School of Nursing
    College-Wide SGA Meeting was called to order at 1:44PM.
    Student Life Director and Facilitator Michelle Greco called for a motion for the approval of the
    minutes from last meeting, which was done by Tenesha Fredericks and seconded by Shannon
    Jenkins. All members of SGA were “All in Favor” of approving the minutes from last meeting.
    Provost Cosey and Vice-Chancellor Lea gave a special presentation with regards to a new “Text-
    Messaging Alert system.” The presentation involved the new E2Campus Alert System – a text
    messaging notification to students regarding campus emergencies [extreme incidents that call for
    the closure of the school]. Both the Provost and Vice-Chancellor encouraged all SGA executive
    board members to sign-up for this text messaging system and to encourage the students of each
    respective campus to sign-up, also. In early March, Chief Ronald Doucette will come to each
    campus to provide student-training on basic responses to crisis situations. Specific response
    cards will be tailored to each situation, which will be put together and placed within the
    classrooms. In case of any emergency, students and faculty members would call “9-1-1” and then
    make contact with campus police by dialing 671-6111. If students use a landline phone, campus
    police would be able to find the exact location of the call, but if students make contact through
    cellular phones, then students should expect some questions about their location. There was talk
    about deterring crime on campus by making changes to locks and such.
    Provost Cosey also presented information with regards to a new information system. The
    presentation began with a situation: Students were calling the school during hours of operation,
    holidays, weekends, but they could not simply get through to anyone. The Chancellor received
    complaints and comments about why their phone calls were not being answered. Both the
    Provost and Vice-Chancellor received data and numbers stating the fact that Delgado was
    receiving high-volume of calls and that there was not enough man-power or time to answer those
    high-volumes of calls. The Provost also mentioned that students have been calling our 24/7 tech
    line with questions not only about online course but also about student services [Financial Aid,
    Registrar, Admissions, etc].
    The Provost proposed that Delgado implement a new system that will allow students call a 800
    number, contact a live-person 24/7. These poeple will be paid to answer calls and provide
    answers to certain questions about student affairs that are allowed by Delgado. With this new
    system, the wait time for that student would typically be 3-4 minutes and there will be absolutely
    be no voice mail. To implement this new plan, the man-power of the company would be trained
    in every aspect of Delgado. To protect the integrity of the school and student’s confidential
    information, the company would not be allowed to answer certain questions, and will forward the
    more personal questions to Delgado’s personnel, who will then contact that student within 2-3

    days from the initial contact. The estimated initial cost for the system is $260,000 and there is an
    annual renewable contract of $230,000. The college will cover a portion of the cost but Vice
    Chancellor Lea is requesting 10% of the STEP funds be allocated towards this project. The
    Technology Fee
    will not increase due to the changes. The system would be monitored over two
    years with student evaluations. Justin Nicholas brought forward motion to allow 10% of STEP
    funds to be allocated to the new 24/7 help-line, seconded by Taminika Walker. There was a
    unanimous vote on the motion. Future STEP allocation will be as follows: 10% allocated to 24/7
    student affairs help line 20% allocated to college-wide expenditures the remaining balance will
    be divided amongst the remaining campuses based on enrollment.
    A group picture was taken with all the Executive Board including Provost Cosey and Vice
    Chancellor Lea for Dr. Johnson’s gift.
    Director Greco mentioned to the Executive Boards about the deadlines to submit any work for
    the Dolphin Newspaper to the Director.
    The deadlines are: February 26
    , March 25
    , and April 8
    There was a motion to table the SGA Handbook in the interest of time – done by CP-President
    Nicholas and seconded by WB-Secretary Tenesha Fredericks. The SGA Handbook would be
    mentioned at the meeting Feb. 29
    Director Greco brought the issue regarding the College-Wide SGA Election. The Executive
    Board named WB-President Shannon Jenkins as Chairperson of the Elections Board. The
    application packet was reviewed with information regarding qualifications for both Executive
    Board and Senate. At the end of the meeting, no more changes to the Application will be made
    with exception to the missing data. Director Greco requested that the respective Executive Board
    of each campus submit the date when there will be a meeting of all Candidates for the Election.
    The packet was approved by the group. All changes to campus info are due Wed. February 20
    Executive Board also named CP-President Nicholas and Taminika Walker Co-Chair of the “End-
    of-the-Year Banquet Committee.” All research with regards to the banquet would be made at the
    next College-Wide meeting.
    Director Greco also brought the issue regarding the leadership retreat. As stated in the calendar,
    SGA-Leadership retreat would take place from May 12 – 14, which would conflict with the
    COSBP [Council of Student Body Presidents] Elections. All Executive Board confirmed that the
    date be changed to May 5-6-7. The discussion moved to the location of the retreat and its
    options that were presented by Director Greco.
    Option 1
    : Lodge: linen, food, meeting room,
    pool rental, and challenge course. The lodge is separated into two wings: total of 64 people can
    attend [not only SGA – Executive board members of the clubs and organization can fill up the
    remainder]; 4-6 people per bathroom; $113 per person. Total cost of $7,732.
    Option 2
    : 3 cabins:
    54 people can attend; food, pool rental, challenge course; no meeting room or linen; $78 per
    person. Tenesha Fredericks motioned for a consensus on either the lodge or cabins which was
    seconded by CP-SGA Secretary Hieu Nguyen. The cost for the retreat would be covered by each

    campus by a percentage based on the number of students enrolled at each campus. 12-YES and
    The group then tabled the following items:
    Chancellor’s search
    Possibility of college-wide meetings being held on-line
    College-wide event in April
    The meeting ended with a brief discussion as to why students don’t check their email. The
    following reasons were given:
    -not their primary email
    -can not receive alerts at their primary email
    -info not always pertains to the individual user
    -don’t know how to manage email: delete/deleted items/deleted sent items
    -don’t know email address
    -don’t know how to access email
    -faculty doesn’t require use of dcc email
    The meeting adjourned at 4:00PM/

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