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Includes the College's Hurricane Emergency Plan and Departmental Hurricane Emergency Plans

klaich 12/16/08 2

Includes the following standard emergency procedures that may be employed for various threats in accordance with the appropriate campus and site specific emergency plan: General Emergency Procedures; Medical Emergency Procedures; Lockdown Procedures; Evacuation/Relocation Procedures; Shelter-in-Place Procedures; and Post-Crisis Intervention Procedures

klaich 12/16/08 9

Includes college-wide emergency plans for the following specific threats: Assaults, Bomb Threats, Chemical or Biological Threats, Demonstrations, Fights/Disturbances, Fire, Hazardous Materials, Hostages, Intruders, Medical Emergencies, Severe Weather, Shooting, Suicide, Weapons

klaich 12/16/08 20
  Collection EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING klaich 09/09/11 32
  Document SF-1373.5D Tobacco-Free College Policy: Act 211 (SB 36) Smoking Prohibitions - Higher Education Smoke Free by Aug 2014 La Legislature Reg Session 2013

Smoke-Free Campus Legislation Effective August 2014

klaich 06/17/14 12 KB
  Document SF-1373.5D Tobacco-Free College (effective August 1, 2014) klaich 08/17/18 24 KB
  Document SA-1465.1 Health Services klaich 03/15/23 98 KB
  Document Safety and Risk Management Program Responsible Units klaich 09/27/16 129 KB
  Document SF-1733.1A Violent Incident Reporting Route (as per Policy SF-1733.1A)

In accordance with SF-1733.1A, Violence in the Workplace Policy

klaich 04/15/13 135 KB
  Document SA-1448.1D Student Judicial Code's "Behavioral Intervention Team Procedures"

PROCEDURES used for assessing threat of DISTRESSED PERSONS, in accordance with 1448.1D "Student Judicial Code"

klaich 05/20/21 160 KB
  Document Educational Vendors - Advisement to Faculty and Staff klaich 11/13/19 168 KB
  Document SF-1373.1C Accident/Incident Reporting Route Flowchart

Route for Reporting Accidents/Incidents in accordance with Delgado's Comprehensive Safety Program Policy, Work Environment Safety Program Policy, and Drug Testing Policy

klaich 04/05/19 176 KB
  Document SF-1352-1F Property Management and Control Procedures

PROCEDURES in accordance with SF-1352.1F "Management & Control of State Property"

klaich 06/01/21 178 KB
  Document SF-2530.1A Drug-Free College klaich 02/08/24 179 KB
  Document Personal Protective Equipment Assessment klaich 05/20/24 211 KB
  Document SF-1373.1C Work Environment Safety Program klaich 10/17/18 214 KB
  Document SF-1373.1C Glass Claim Incident Reporting Procedure

For use in accordance with the College's Work Environment Safety Program policy

klaich 08/23/16 232 KB
  Document SF-1370.1A Access Control Procedures klaich 10/04/23 241 KB
  Document SA-1448.1D Student Judicial Code's "Classroom Disruption Procedures"

PROCEDURES used for handling DISRUPTIONS, in accordance with 1448.1D "Student Judicial Code"

klaich 07/17/24 242 KB
  Document SF-1370.3D Emergency Planning, Response, & Recovery klaich 12/14/23 266 KB
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