May 6, 2008AA- 1440.4B2 3. Academic Challenges and Appeals Students may challenge/ appeal 1) the final grade received in a class; 2) theiracademic suspension; 3) their having been dropped from a class for excessive absences.
To appeal the suspension, the suspended student must follow the challenge/ appeals process outlined above in Section 3A, Final Grade Challenges/ Appeals.
A student desiring to challenge/ appeal being dropped from a class for excessive absences must follow the challenge/ appeal process outlined in Section 3A, Final Grade Challenges/ Appeals, within the timeline according to Section 4, Challenge/ Appeal Deadlines.
Challenge/ Appeal Deadlines A. Final Grade Challenge/ Appeal Deadline A student must begin the ...
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Academic Procedures-Academic Challenges and Appeals Procedural Update 1-16-25 for web distribution.pdf