AA- 1273.1APOLICY & PROCEDURES MEMORANDUMTITLE: DETERMINATION OFCOLLEGE CATALOGFOR GRADUATIONREQUIREMENTSEFFECTIVE DATE: April 4, 1995*(* Title Updates 2/ 4/ 09; 4/ 21/ 05)CANCELLATION: DCI 1273.1 (8/ 1/ 90)OFFICE: Academic Affairs (AA)POLICY STATEMENT Delgado students generally fulfill their graduation requirements utilizing either the (1) Entry College Catalog-- the catalog in effect during the first semester of a student's latest unbroken enrollment period; or (2) Exit College Catalog-- the catalog ...
For a student who changes majors, the entry College Catalog becomes the catalog in effect the semester in which the student changed to the current major during the student's latest unbroken enrollment period.
The student who changes ...
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1273-1B Catalog Determination for Graduation Requirements PPM 2-19-13 for web distribution.pdf