ARTICLE I1l1 -The membershiJlofthe S. G. A. shall consist ofall registered students of Delgado Community College, City Park Campus.
ARTICLE IV- EXECUTIVESection I: The Erecutive Committee oftbe S. G. A. shall consist ofthe President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Serge8Dt-At~Arms.
In order to override the President' s veto, a two- thirds ( 213) vote ofthe Student Senate shall be required.
2. Shall assist the President on the function ofhis/ ber duties 3. Shall be the Chairman ofthe Elections Board and be a permanent member ofthe Finance Committee, and the Homecoming Committee 4. Shall serve as President oftbe Sena& e, with limited voting power.
' , TlCLE V - STUDENTion I: The Legisilltive power ofthe S. G. A. herein ...
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SGA Constitution -City Park Campus February 2001.pdf