Department f Homeland ecurity U.S. itizenship nd mmigration ervices Form -9 9, mployment Eligibility Verification Anti-D Discrimination otice.
Section 2, mployer: For the purpose of ompleting this form, he erm "e employer" eans ll mployers ncluding those recruiters nd eferrers oree ho re gricultural associations, gricultural employers or arm labor contractors.
B.f an mployee is ehired ithin three (3 3) ears f the date his form as riginally completed and the employee s still eligible o be mployed on he ame basis as reviously indicated on his form updating), , complete locknd he ignature lock.
see Listor ); ; 2. Record he ocument title, ocument number nd expiration ate (i if ny) n Block C, nd 3. Complete he ignature lock.
Department ...
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