HR- 2122.5 POLICY & PROCEDURES MEMORANDUMTITLE: EMPLOYMENTPROCEDURES FORFULL- TIME, BENEFITS-ELIGIBLE UNCLASSIFIEDFACULTY & STAFFEFFECTIVE DATE: February 15, 2005*(* LCTCS Bylaws Update 5- 11- 09)CANCELLATION: noneOFFICE: Human Resources (HR)POLICY STATEMENT The Office of Human Resources is responsible for the employment process for all full- time, benefits- eligible employees of Delgado Community College.
Each individual who applies for employment at Delgado Community College as a full- time, benefits- eligible unclassified faculty or staff member of the College must provide documentation of the required credentials before an official offer of employment may be extended by the Office of Human Resources.
In addition, unclassified ...
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2122-5 Employment Process LCTCS Procedural Update 6-7-22 for web distribution.pdf