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Procedure updates as approved by the Academic Affairs Council; original publication as Academic Procedures Manual, DM 1440.2G

klaich 08/04/20 18
  Collection FACULTY HANDBOOK (Faculty Resources Guide)

On-line Guide for Faculty, which includes updated policy references for information originally published in the College's "Faculty Handbook" AA-1275.1F.

klaich 02/16/16 7
  Document AA-1210.NN Operational Guidelines 2024-2025

Printable "PDF" version of complete (112-page) Operational Guidelines 2024-2025

klaich 07/22/24 2 MB
  Document Academic Challenges and Appeals

Formerly AA-1440.4B, Transferred to "Academic Challenges and Appeals" Section of Academic Procedures Guide

klaich 08/04/20 688 KB
  Document AA-1620.1C Charter: Council on Planning and Assessment klaich 02/06/18 348 KB
  Document AA-2220.1C Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction klaich 10/16/23 341 KB
  Document AA-2321.1I Promotion Process Guidelines (Procedures for implementing policy AA-2321.1I, "Promotion-in-Rank") klaich 05/09/24 338 KB
  Document AA-2230.3 Emeritus Titles klaich 01/17/19 336 KB
  Document AA-1210.1F Planning and Assessment klaich 09/14/18 328 KB
  Document AA-2230.2A Endowed Professorship Award klaich 04/29/24 315 KB
  Document AA-2322.1 Meritorious Commendation klaich 05/09/24 296 KB
  Document AA-2321.1I Promotion-in-Rank klaich 05/09/24 278 KB
  Document AA-2534.1C Grievance Procedures for Faculty klaich 08/01/17 276 KB
  Document AA-1510.1A The College Curriculum klaich 09/15/22 270 KB
  Document AA-1520.1 Intellectual Property Rights klaich 09/29/15 265 KB
  Document AA-2123.1E Staffing for Summer Session klaich 04/29/14 229 KB
  Document AA-2230.1E Seymour Weiss Excellence in Teaching Award klaich 09/06/23 227 KB
  Document AA-1410.3 Day One Guarantee klaich 02/18/21 225 KB
  Document AA-1625.1D Charter: Committee on Academic and Admission Standards klaich 10/05/15 217 KB
  Document AA-1451.1C Library Collection Development klaich 11/16/23 217 KB
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