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  Type   Title Owner Modified Date Size Actions
  Document AA-2321.1I Promotion Process Guidelines (Procedures for implementing policy AA-2321.1I, "Promotion-in-Rank") klaich 05/09/24 338 KB
  Document AA-2322.1 Meritorious Commendation Award Specifications

Attachment to AA-2322.1 "Meritorious Commendation" Policy

klaich 05/09/24 134 KB
  Document Forms - Faculty Promotion Process - Application Forms klaich 05/10/24 120 KB
  Document Forms - Faculty Promotion Process - Recommendation Forms klaich 08/19/22 68 KB
  Document Forms - Faculty Promotion Process (Includes All Promotion Forms) klaich 05/10/24 126 KB
  Document Meritorious Commendation Application Form - Verification of Eligibility Form (Form 2322/001A)

For application for MERITORIOUS COMMENDATION: Includes Form 2322/001A Verification of Eligibility, Form 2322/001B Verification of Documentation, and Form 2322/001C Summary of Accomplishments

klaich 05/10/24 31 KB
  Document Overview of Faculty Job Expectations According to Years of Service klaich 08/04/17 117 KB
  Document Promotion-in-Rank Academic Affairs Promotion Appeals Council Individual Recommendation Form (Form 2321/006)

Form used by individual members of the Academic Affairs Promotion-In-Rank Appeals Council

klaich 05/10/24 29 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank Application - Verification of Eligibility Form (Forms 2321/001A)

Includes Form 2321/001A Verification of Eligibility, Form 2321/001B Verification of Documentation, and Form 2321/001C Summary of Accomplishments

klaich 05/10/24 27 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank College Committee Individual Recommendation Form (Form 2321/004)

Form used by individual members of the College Promotion-In-Rank Committee

klaich 05/10/24 29 KB
  Document Promotion-in-Rank Division Committee Individual Recommendation Form (Form 2321/002)

Form used by individual members of each Promotion-In-Rank Division Committee

klaich 05/10/24 32 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank Recommendation Form for Academic Affairs Promotion Appeals Council (Form 2321/007)

Form used by the Academic Affairs Promotion Appeals Council to recommend candidates for promotion-in-rank.

klaich 05/10/24 33 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank Recommendation Form for College Promotion-In-Rank Committee (Form 2321/005)

Form used by the College Promotion-In-Rank Committee to recommend candidates for promotion-in-rank.

klaich 05/10/24 34 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank Recommendation Form for Division Promotion-In-Rank Committee (Form 2321/003)

Form used by Division Promotion-In-Rank Committee to recommend candidates for promotion in rank.

klaich 05/10/24 35 KB
  Document Promotion-In-Rank Timeline 2024-2025

Current Academic Year Timeline for Promotion-in-Rank Process

klaich 07/15/24 88 KB